Lifesavers! Omaha Police Get PETA’s Window-Smashing Hammers for Rescues From Hot Cars

For Immediate Release:
September 5, 2024

Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382

Omaha, Neb.

After officers with the Omaha Police Department heroically stepped in to save a dog from a hot car earlier this summer, PETA thanked the agency and offered to send it a delivery of the group’s emergency window-breaking hammers to help in future rescues of dogs and children trapped inside sweltering vehicles. The department enthusiastically agreed, and over 50 of the lifesaving tools were distributed to the officers to have on hand the next time they see an animal in need.

dogs die of heatstroke when left in hot cars. for emergency situations, PETA sells a rescue hammer

“Animals left alone in parked cars are in danger every minute they spend helpless in the heat,” says PETA Senior Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. “PETA thanks the Omaha Police Department for embracing these ‘heroes’ hammers’ and standing ready to rescue anyone in need.”

So far this year, at least 100 dogs and other companion animals have died from heat-related causes and more than 300 animals—many of whom were trapped in sweltering vehicles—were rescued from potentially deadly situations. (The actual numbers are likely far higher, as most deaths and rescues go unreported.) On a 70-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can soar to 99 degrees in 20 minutes. On a 90-degree day, the interior temperature can reach as high as 109 degrees in just 10 minutes.

Anyone who sees a dog or a child alone in a parked car should never leave the scene and should take immediate action. Call 911. Then write down the vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number and rush to have nearby stores page the owner. If authorities are unresponsive or too slow and the life of the dog or child appears to be in imminent danger, find a witness and take the necessary steps to remove them from the car, like using PETA’s emergency window-breaking hammer, available for purchase here.

PETA has previously delivered window-breaking hammers to the Chandler Police Department in Arizona, the Little Rock Police Department in Arkansas, the Virginia Beach Police Department in Virginia, and the Wilmington Police Department in North Carolina.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—points out thatEvery Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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