‘Just Neuter Me, Bro!’ Dogs in Bus Stop Blitz Offer ‘Fix’ for City’s Animal Overpopulation Crisis

For Immediate Release:
March 8, 2024

Sara Groves 202-483-7382

Oklahoma City

Real bark … er, talk! With OKC shelters overwhelmed with homeless animals, PETA is plastering bus shelters across the city with cheeky messages asking commuters to paws and think about who’s really to blame for the crisis: humans who don’t have their animal companions spayed or neutered.

side-by-side images of two bus stop ads

“Everyone who lets their dogs and cats breed or who buys them from a breeder or pet store is responsible for our nationwide crisis of homeless animals,” says PETA Senior Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. “There’s rarely a magic bullet for a crisis, but in this case, there is, and that’s getting our companion animals fixed and always adopting them from shelters.”

Around 70 million dogs and cats are homeless in the U.S. at any given time. As a recent article in The New Yorker revealed, many shelters are implementing misguided “no-kill” policies that prioritize “save rates” over the needs of individual animals and turning away many animals, leaving the most vulnerable to be abandoned on the streets. In addition to advocating for spaying and neutering, PETA asks shelters to accept all animals in need and urges everyone to adopt instead of buying from breeders or pet stores.

The ads are located at 2437 N. Meridian Ave. (at the intersection with N.W. 23rd Street), 3232 N.W. 10th St., 6012 S. May Ave. (at the intersection with S.W. 59th Street), 5335 N. Martin Luther King Ave. (at the intersection with N.E. Grand Boulevard), and 1151 N.W. 23rd St. (at the intersection with N. Western Avenue) and will be up through March 31. In addition, PETA is posting the appeals in other cities that are also grappling with an influx of homeless animals.


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