Joanna Krupa Tells Forever 21 the ‘Naked Truth’ About Wool in NYC Billboard

Model’s Letter and PETA Ad Near Manhattan Flagship Store Urge Brand to Pull Wool From Its Racks

For Immediate Release:
October 11, 2018

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

New YorkToday, model Joanna Krupa sent an urgent letter on behalf of PETA urging Forever 21 to stop selling wool after she appeared naked and “battered” on a massive New York City billboard while clutching what appears to be the bleeding body of a violently sheared lamb alongside the words “Wool: The Naked Truth.”

In her letter, Krupa writes, “As a passionate advocate for animals, I urge you to … recognize the naked truth of the wool industry: that every year, millions of sheep are handled in horrific, abusive ways . . . . Please don’t pull the wool over your eyes. Animals should never be abused for fashion. Forever 21 can make a difference today by pledging to drop wool immediately.”

The star’s billboard is located on the southeast corner of Eighth Avenue and W. 40th Street, across from the New York Times Building. Photos are available here.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—and its international affiliates have released eight exposés recorded at 72 wool-industry facilities on four continents, revealing that workers mutilate, punch, kick, and stomp on sheep and even skin some alive. Because most shearers are paid by volume rather than by the hour, they work so quickly that strips of skin are cut or torn off the sheep, leaving them with gaping wounds that are stitched up without pain relief.

Krupa is part of a long list of celebrities—including Charlize Theron, Joaquin Phoenix, Eva Mendes, Penélope Cruz, and many more—who’ve teamed up with PETA to promote kindness to animals.

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