James Cromwell to be Fêted at Private Awards-Season Bash at Sublime

Oscar-Nominated Actor in Fort Lauderdale to Accept Activism Award From Honorary PETA Director Nanci Alexander

For Immediate Release:
January 10, 2018

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.What:    It’s the height of the awards season, and film and television icon James Cromwell is to receive PETA’s annual Hero to Animals Award at a special dinner honoring him on Thursday at South Florida’s Sublime Restaurant & Bar.

When:    Thursday, January 11, 5:30 p.m.

Where:    Sublime Restaurant & Bar, 1431 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale

The outspoken Babe and American Horror Story star teamed up with PETA to take over SeaWorld’s “Orca Encounter” show, narrated gripping exposés of cruelty in the horse-racing and pig factory farming industries, and marched against experiments on cats at the University of Wisconsin and monkey shipments by Air France. A vegan since getting to know the pig who played Babe, Cromwell says that he can’t wait to try Sublime’s vegan key lime cheesecake.

“We’re honoring James Cromwell for his unerring social activism for animals,” says PETA Honorary Director Nanci Alexander. “He offers a strong and clear voice of freedom for captive marine mammals, cats and primates held in laboratory cages, and pigs who are abused and slaughtered for food. His kindness to all beings, great and small, makes the world a better place.”

For more information, please visit PETA.org or SublimeRestaurant.com.

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