Hot Diggity! Wiener Kitchen Scores National Award for Vegan Dog

For Immediate Release:
July 14, 2023

Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382

Overland Park, Kansas

PETA scoured the country for the Top 10 Vegan Dogs that kick meaty dogs’ buns—and Overland Park’s own Wiener Kitchen has won a top spot for its deliciously craveable Vegan.

Owner-operators Dave Derr and Jessica Rush started their first wiener venture, the mobile Wiener Wagon, in 2012, and the Wiener Kitchen opened in its permanent location in the Library Shops in Overland Park in 2017. Their award-winning Vegan is a savory link made of roasted cauliflower, walnut, and wild rice and topped with green tomato relish, pickled Brussels kraut, and whole-grain Dijon mustard.

“The Vegan is a tangy, veggie-packed twist on a summertime classic and the perfect animal-friendly answer to any comfort food craving,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “All the award wieners on PETA’s national Top 10 list prove that compassion is a delicious business.”

Wiener Kitchen will receive a framed certificate from PETA in honor of its culinary achievement. The other top dogs receiving the group’s recognition are the Rad Dawg at Totally Awesome Vegan Food Truck (Portland, Maine), the Scarecrow at The Frankenstand (Los Angeles), the Bahn Me Dawg at Pingala Cafe (Burlington, Vermont), the Big Daddy Special at Kale My Name (Chicago), the Vegan Buffalo Blu at Sporty Dog Creations (Baltimore), the Vegan Italian Warsaw at The Wienery (Minneapolis), the Coney Dog at VEG-N (Lansing, Michigan), the Chicago Hot at Doggystyle (Sarasota, Florida), and the Vegan Chilly Cheez Dawg at Chilly Dawgz (Thomasville, Pennsylvania).

In addition to saving nearly 200 animals every year, each person who goes vegan reduces their own risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer and shrinks their carbon footprint.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and offers a free vegan starter kit on its website. For more information, please visit, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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