Hawaii Activist Is Crowned PETA’s ‘Sexiest Vegan Over 50’

Pā’ia Resident and Longtime Animal Advocate Nabs Eight-Day Adventure Through India—and a Platform to Help Even More Animals

For Immediate Release:
October 23, 2018

David Perle 202-483-7382

Pā’ia, Hawaii

He keeps a home on the grounds of an animal sanctuary and publishes his own pro-vegan magazine—and now, Pā’ia resident Carlos Garcia has also been named the male winner of PETA Prime’s 2018 Sexiest Vegan Over 50 contest. He beat out two other finalists and dozens of entrants from across the country to win an eight-day adventure through northern India, courtesy of VegVoyages—Vegan Adventure Tours.

Garcia went vegan 16 years ago after watching the documentary Earthlings, and since then, he’s inspired countless people to ditch animal “products” by speaking at health conferences and vegan festivals, performing as a musician at fundraisers for animal sanctuaries, and publishing a free health magazine that’s chock-full of information about the benefits of going vegan. “I use everything available to me so I can help not only animals but also anyone else suffering from oppression,” he says. “Whether it’s regarding animal abuse, racism, women’s rights issues, or GLBTQ rights issues, I will use my voice, my music, my magazines, and any other opportunities to get in front of people with a message of peace and fairness.”

“Carlos Garcia inspires everyone he can to help animals by making kind choices when it comes to food, clothing, and entertainment,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is honoring him for being an ally to animals through and through as well as living proof that going vegan at any age is the best thing that we can do for animals, the planet, and ourselves.”

The female winner of this year’s contest is California-based nurse Darlene Howe. PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—selected the two winners based on several factors, including vote count.

For more information and to view Garcia’s bio, please visit PETAPrime.org or click here.

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