Golden City Council Nabs PETA Award for Canceling Fourth of July Fireworks

For Immediate Release:
June 17, 2024

Reed Bolonyi 202-483-7382

Golden, Colo.A Compassionate City Award is on its way from PETA to the Golden City Council following its decision to cancel Fourth of July fireworks this year and for the foreseeable future, citing, in part, the noise impact on companion animals. In a letter sent today to Golden Mayor Laura Weinberg, PETA thanked the city for sparing animals the terrifying booms and blasts and offered to host a vegan hot dog giveaway during the city’s fireworks-free 4th of July Festival at Lions Park to make the family-friendly event an even kinder celebration.

“Fireworks sound exactly like ‘bombs bursting in air’ to animals, many of whom are injured and even killed each year as they try to escape the thunderous noises and the rancid smell of toxic smoke,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA urges other cities to follow Golden’s lead by letting fireworks fizzle and promoting fun, cruelty-free festivities that leave animals in peace.”

PETA points out that fireworks displays frequently result in intake spikes at animal shelters, which exceed their capacity and further strain community resources. Dogs and cats have been known to jump fences or break through windows and screen doors to try to escape the noises and might never be reunited with their families. Other animals, including wildlife, are hit by cars when they run onto roads. Pyrotechnics also release toxins—including mercury, carbon monoxide, aluminum, and sulfur—which can increase the amount of pollutants in the air by up to 42%.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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