First Responders Net PETA Awards for Saving Three Dogs Stuck in Storm Drain

Frantic Dogs Freed, Thanks to Fire Department, Police, and Animal Control

For Immediate Release:
October 30, 2015

Lakisha Ridley 202-483-7382

Cocoa, Fla.

Earlier this week, the Cocoa Police Department, the Cocoa Fire Department, and Brevard County Animal Services worked together to rescue three pit bulls who were trapped inside a storm drain. That’s why PETA is sending each an award for their kind, lifesaving actions. After police officer Matt Rush heard the frightened dogs barking underneath the drain, he quickly notified animal control and the fire department, who were able to remove the drain cover and safely rescue the animals. The dogs were taken to the Brevard County Animal Services shelter, where they have since been reunited with their family.

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“Thanks to these quick-thinking first responders, these lost, frightened dogs will be able to return home,” says PETA Senior Director Colleen O’Brien. “PETA encourages caring people to take this story as inspiration to come to the aid of animals in need.”

PETA, whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way,” is sending each recipient a framed certificate and delicious vegan cookies.

PETA reminds all dog guardians to keep a close eye on their animal companions when they’re outside and make sure that their yards are secure with sturdy fencing, no potentially poisonous plants or other materials, and no open manholes or pipes. Guardians should also walk their animal companions with a leash and a comfortable, secure harness.

For more information, please visit

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