Budweiser’s Disfigured Clydesdales to Appear Locally; PETA Objects

For Immediate Release:
June 30, 2023

David Perle 202-483-7382

Greensboro, N.C.

Although tailbone amputation for cosmetic reasons is condemned by the American Veterinary Medical Association and is illegal in 10 states and a number of countries, the Budweiser Clydesdale horses, who have been subjected to this cruel procedure, are scheduled to appear at a Greensboro Grasshoppers game at First National Bank Field on Tuesday. Today PETA sent a letter to the stadium’s director of promotions and community relations, Stephen Johnson, urging him to reconsider hosting the horses until Anheuser-Busch (which owns Budweiser) commits to ending the mutilations that prevent horses from engaging in natural activities like swatting away disease-carrying flies and using their tails to communicate.

As PETA’s damning video exposé shows, Budweiser has been quietly severing the magnificent horses’ tailbones—either with a scalpel or with a tight band that stops the blood supply to the tail, causing it to die and fall off—so that the horses will look a certain way when hitched to a beer wagon.

“Budweiser presents the Clydesdales as symbols of traditional American values, but harming horses is the antithesis of what Americans hold dear,” writes PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo. “We hope you will speak with Anheuser-Busch executives and urge them to discontinue tailbone severing and, in the meantime, cancel the upcoming scheduled appearance.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information on PETA’s investigative newsgathering and reporting, please visit PETA.org, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

PETA’s letter to Johnson follows.

June 30, 2023

Stephen Johnson

Director of Promotions and Community Relations

First National Bank Field

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I’m writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals—PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally—to urge you cancel the appearance of Budweiser Clydesdales at First National Bank Field. You may not be award that Anheuser-Busch cruelly amputates the tailbones of these magnificent horses. PETA exposed the company’s practice in a recent undercover investigation. Please see the video here.

The amputation of the horses’ tailbones, either by severing the tailbone or putting a tight band around the tail to cut off blood flow, is done just to make the horses look a certain way. It’s an unnecessary and permanent disfigurement that causes immense pain, affects the horses’ balance, and leaves them without natural protection from flies and other biting insects. Horses also depend on their tails to communicate with herdmates and with humans.

Both the American Association of Equine Practitioners and the American Veterinary Medical Association condemn severing horses’ tails unless it’s medically necessary. Many European countries, including Belgium, where Anheuser-Busch is headquartered, have banned this practice, as have 10 U.S. states. If Budweiser is concerned that tail hair might become entangled in a wagon’s hitch equipment, simple braiding and wrapping of the tails would prevent this possibility.

Budweiser presents the iconic Clydesdales as symbols of traditional American values, but harming horses is the antithesis of what Americans hold dear. We hope you will speak with Anheuser-Busch executives and urge them to discontinue tailbone severing and, in the meantime, cancel the upcoming scheduled appearance.

Thanks very much for your consideration. May I please hear from you?


Kathy Guillermo

Senior Vice President

Equine Matters Department

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