Bikini-Clad Beauties to Dish Up Free Ben & Jerry’s Vegan Ice Cream

PETA Will Promote Cruelty-Free Fare With Delicious Frozen Treats

On Wednesday, two PETA beauties decked out in sexy pinup-style bikinis and high heels will use a retro blue ice-cream cart to pass out free cones of Ben & Jerry’s wildly popular vegan almond-milk ice cream. Holding a sign that reads, “Beat the Heat With a Nondairy Treat,” the ladies will also aim to help people beat three of the nation’s leading killers—heart disease, cancer, and strokes—by ditching meat, eggs, and dairy foods and choosing cholesterol- and cruelty-free vegan foods instead.

Where:           Intersection of Fourth and Liberty streets, Louisville

When:             Wednesday, July 13, 12 noon

“With all the scrumptious, sweet, and savory animal-free options available at your local grocery store, it’s never been easier to go vegan,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA reminds everyone that simply reaching for the nondairy version of Ben & Jerry’s famed Chunky Monkey makes a world of difference to mother cows and their stolen calves, who endure a lifetime of abuse.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—notes that in addition to sparing 100 animals daily suffering and terrifying deaths every year, going vegan reduces one’s risk of suffering from diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. Leading medical experts have determined that healthy vegan meals can even reverse heart disease in people who already have clogged arteries.


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