Arlington National Cemetery Must Retire Caisson Horses, PETA Says
For Immediate Release:
April 1, 2022
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
An upsetting new U.S. Army report reviewed by CNN has found that the horses used to pull coffins in ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery are confined to cramped mud lots, where they stand among construction debris and in their own waste, receive poor-quality food, and suffer from parasites. Two of the horses dropped dead in February, one with a reported 44 pounds of gravel and sand in his gut.
Below, please find a statement from PETA President Ingrid Newkirk:
Forcing neglected horses to pull coffins dishonors America’s human heroes. Just as with the bearskin caps on the Queen’s Guard in London, this old-fashioned ritual must be relegated to the history books and replaced by 21st century pomp. PETA urges Arlington National Cemetery to retire these horses so they can have a decent life and is ready to help find wonderful homes where they’ll get the care, affection, and attention they desperately need.