PETA Members Actively Promote Animal Rights

Issue 1|Winter 2025

Taylor knows that being sad about cruelty to animals won’t end it. He told us, “I work simple actions into my day, like picking up litter that can harm wildlife, slipping information cards into egg cartons, leaving vegan starter kits in magazine racks, placing stickers on animal-tested products, and spelling out pro-animal messages with letters that I see for sale in stores. I feel great afterward!”

Steal some ideas from these animal rights advocates, then tell us about your own good deeds for animals by e-mailing [email protected]. You may see yourself in a future issue!

Mariah’s Instagram reel calling out SeaWorld for tormenting imprisoned animals with deafening nightly fireworks blasts reached more than 7,500 viewers.

When advocates in Seattle held an easy light board demonstration over a busy interstate near the University of Washington’s Washington National Primate Research Center, a stream of traffic honked in support. Passersby stopped to chat, and the light brigade was the talk of the Seattle Reddit page! For help organizing an action like this on any issue, e-mail [email protected].

Filmmaker Angel Apostolski donates his time and considerable talent to help produce compelling ads. One award-winning spot exposed the horrors of animal testing by showing the same experiments conducted on a teddy bear that would actually be carried out on a live animal. He’s also assisting advocates in his hometown of Sofia, Bulgaria, in shutting down a mink farm. Using PETA footage, he created a powerful video that swayed officials, and the farm lost its last court appeal. Whatever your talent or skill, animals need you to activate it for them!

To aid animals in Ukraine, Jada is running with the PETA Pack, raising money for our Global Compassion Fund. If you swim, walk, or run, learn more about the PETA Pack.

When Pamplona asked children to create LEGO sculptures inspired by the Running of the Bulls, brothers Noah and Reggie submitted their entry depicting a PETA demo against this cruelty.

Educator Sophia uses TeachKind materials to lead high schoolers in an animal ethics unit. Students create powerful infographics expressing their thoughts on animal issues. And teacher Olivia leads an animal advocates club at her school. Kids have read Unlocking the Animal World, collected 100 pounds of trash, displayed posters about caring for wildlife, stopped other students from harassing campus rabbits, and more. Request free copies for your school at [email protected].

mother and baby cow in grass

At a Mother’s Day church service, Lia took part in lighting a candle and publicly expressing a wish. She wished out loud for all to hear that Mother’s Day would be happier for cows, whose babies are taken from them on dairy farms, and that people would go vegan. Afterward, several people thanked her.

Jessica uses her tattoo of her dog, PETA-rescued Pancake, to spark discussions about adoption and PETA’s Community Animal Project. Get involved!

Lauren gave paramedics vegan treats for helping her son in an emergency. The crew loved them, proving that the way to hearts is still through stomachs!

Seeing a classmate in a “This Is Vivisection” T-shirt decades ago led PETA Global editor Robyn Wesley to become an activist! Check out a wide selection of shirts and other items at the PETA Shop.

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