Locals Fight to Save 43,000 Monkeys and Win!
David Can Take Down Goliath!
When Charles River Laboratories, an animal experimentation company, planned to build a massive primate prison in rural Texas, the people who lived there doubted they could beat this corporate behemoth. At capacity, the facility would have confined 43,000 monkeys, all doomed to be used in painful and deadly experiments – with more monkeys to arrive and their infants also to be relegated to cages for life.
But local residents said, “Not going to happen!” They talked to PETA, and together we petitioned, protested, fought like hell – and won! Charles River scrapped its plan and tens of thousands of monkeys were spared, all because “ordinary” people refused to roll over and PETA members had their back. You, too, can take action to win huge victories like this for individuals suffering in laboratories, and animals need you in the fray.
Let’s Attack Tax-Funded Torment
You are paying for hideously cruel animal experiments. For instance, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) squanders $23 billion in taxpayer money each year to fund corporations like Charles River (above), in addition to imprisoning hundreds of thousands of animals in its own laboratories and financing cruel experiments on animals at universities and other labs all over the world. The UK’s Ministry of Defence and Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council also spend exorbitant sums on experiments that cause massive misery, actually hinder human health, and, in this technological time, keep science stuck in the Stone Age. What do they do with all that tax revenue? They brain-damage monkeys and terrorize them with fake snakes, surgically mutilate mice and force them to run on treadmills to avoid painful shocks, and strap monkeys into restraint chairs and deprive them of water to see if they can “predict” election results, among other absurdities. We must work together to stop this nonsense.
We Must Legislate to Liberate
Please, don’t wait another day: Tell your legislators you don’t want your taxes used to fund animal torture. You can get their attention by sending handwritten notes, calling their offices, and attending their meet-and-greets to raise an issue. When enough people show their disgust, legislators will act. Urge them to support PETA’s Research Modernization Now, an updated roadmap for replacing governmentfunded experiments on animals with 100% humane, human-relevant research methods. After PETA entities in Europe presented this strategy, the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favor of developing an action plan to end animal testing, showing that pressure and persistence work!
Battlestar Galactica star and PETA Humanitarian Award recipient Edward James Olmos is urging members of the US Congress to support the Cease Animal Research Grants Overseas (CARGO) Act. It would ban NIH from funneling hundreds of millions of tax dollars into foreign laboratories that addict dogs and rats to drugs, inflict strokes on monkeys, crush rabbits’ spines, and more. In a passionate video plea, Olmos says, “It’s a travesty – a fiscal failure and a deranged use of taxpayer funds. Is that what we want to be known for – paying people all around the world to torture animals? Of course not.” If you’re a US resident, please urge your members of Congress to support the CARGO Act.
School Your Alma Mater
At colleges and universities, experimenters funded with your taxes feed sparrows crude oil, inject rats with opioids, and force mice to swim for their lives in inescapable cylinders, among other painful and terrifying horrors. If your alma mater conducts experiments on animals, call its office of the president and insist that it create a plan to end them, including viable replacements and a timeline. Let it know that you won’t donate until it does – then ask all your alum friends to do the same.
Speaking Up Works!
Because of PETA’s persistence, a University of Washington experimenter was stopped after nearly irradiating a monkey to death. People inside university laboratories are speaking out, too: As one lab tech posted in a viral thread on X, “I work with mice and I would rather die than work this job another year.” Some are not only renouncing animal experimentation but also going to work for animal liberation, just as PETA scientists Dr. Emily Trunnell, Dr. Frances Cheng, and Dr. Amy Clippinger did. Hear their stories in the short, riveting film Test Subjects. Join the revolution and refuse to relent. With every action you take, the colossus of animal experimentation is closer to crashing down.
Be Part of It!
Most important is active pressure on your legislative representatives. And there are many other ways to help get animals out of laboratories, from joining a demonstration to sharing a video on social media to posting leaflets. Learn about our Action Team and join our community of changemakers.
PETA grounded Maleth Aero’s monkey shipments. Now, let’s stop Ethiopian Airlines’ monkey cargo and a proposed monkey prison in Georgia.