Top 3 Signs That Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Are Taking Over

Published by PETA Staff.
Bunny Rabbit with Sunflower

With so many reliable ways to test products for safety without the use of animals, tests on animals for cosmetics are as archaic as they are cruel. And it seems that everyone knows it, as evidenced by three recent successes for animals in laboratories:

  1. Nielsen just released the results of a survey it conducted to determine which beauty product labels matter most to consumers. The label that respondents chose as being more important to them than any other was “not tested on animals.”
  2. In the same Nielsen survey, nearly half the respondents said that they would be willing to pay more for beauty products that weren’t tested on animals. Out of all the advertised benefits that would entice them to pay more, women chose “not tested on animals” and “contains no animal products” as their top two.
  3. The list of companies that refuse to sell their cosmetics in China until animal tests are no longer required grows longer every day. After discussions with PETA, companies such as Pangea Organics, Paul Mitchell Systems, Dermalogica, Urban Decay, NYX, Nature’s Gate, Yes to Carrots, Juice Beauty, Jack Black, and many more have all stopped selling their products in China or refused to start. And PETA-funded scientists have set up laboratories and are currently training Chinese scientists in non-animal testing methods.

And while Israel, India, and the European Union have all banned tests on animals for cosmetics and New Zealand’s ban is almost final, the U.S. is lagging behind. It’s up to us to show cosmetics and personal-care product companies that we demand an end to tests on animals. Vote with your dollars by looking for PETA’s cruelty-free labels and referring to PETA’s easy-to-use Beauty Without Bunnies company database.

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