Stella McCartney Shines a Light on Spaying—and It’s Neon

Published by PETA Staff.

How much are those kitties in the window? They could be worth a lot in donations to PETA. Stella McCartney’s autumn 2016 collection was inspired by her love of animals. And her corresponding store windows were inspired by her love of PETA.

Just when you thought Stella couldn’t get any cooler, her stores around the world will showcase these large, lighted cat artworks in their windows until September. And each store window will also feature PETA’s logo and information on how Stella fans can donate. All the proceeds will benefit PETA’s lifesaving spay/neuter initiative. Our veterinarians have spayed or neutered 80,000 cats since 2001. At the end of the season, Stella’s window cats will be “adopted” by offices of PETA entities.

Tweet your thanks to Stella, and spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering, using the hashtag #StellaMcCATney.

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