PETA’s Cruelty-Free Guide, Featuring Kelly Carlson

Published by PETA Staff.

The following post is a guest post by PETA celebrity marketing coordinator Lauren Gordon.



You can catch Kelly Carlson on TV’s hot dramas Nip/Tuck and Melrose Place—and now she can also be found in your pocket! Kelly is the latest face to grace the cover of PETA’s cruelty-free shopping guide and encourages consumers to buy only products that have not been smeared in rabbits’ eyes, injected into mice, or force-fed to guinea pigs.

Each year, millions of animals are forced to undergo excruciatingly painful testing to evaluate consumer products. These tests are barbaric and unreliable. Plus, there are effective alternatives that don’t involve hurting animals. Buying products from only cruelty-free companies saves the lives of animals while sending a strong message to government and companies that animal testing is wrong and unnecessary.

Stash PETA’s cruelty-free shopping guide in your pocket or toss it into your purse before heading to the store. With so many great companies inside, being beautiful is a snap!

Order a free copy of the pocket-sized 2010 Shopping Guide for Caring Consumers here. For more information, please visit

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