Blackers Cruelty-Free Body Care: Down-to-Earth Products for Compassionate People

Published by PETA Staff.

Overwhelmed by the seemingly endless array of personal-care product lines that promise to take 10 years off and banish wrinkles forever if you just use all the products in their 15-step system? Then you’ll appreciate Blackers, a no-nonsense, down-to-Earth, family-run, and completely cruelty-free body-care products company.

Blackers knows that “humane beings radiate and glow with an inner beauty that can’t be purchased in the toiletry [a]isle,” so you won’t find flashy advertising or false promises with this company. What you will find are soaps, shampoos, conditioners, shaving oils, lip balms, and moisturizers that are made with the finest natural and organic ingredients available. You’ll find products that actually do what they promise—clean and moisturize—and do it exceptionally well.

Blackers products are handmade in small batches and feature hand-designed labels—an indication of the love and care that go into each Blackers product and that shape the company’s business philosophy. “We believe in putting honesty, compassion, and integrity above the bottom line,” Blackers states on its Web site. It’s true: Blackers donates 10 percent of its profits to charities, including PETA. And unlike some companies that still conduct painful, unnecessary tests on animals, Blackers tests all its products—even its upcoming “Jabulani” line of products for companion animals—on willing human volunteers. Of course, these volunteers don’t have much to worry about—Blackers products are made from safe, biodegradable ingredients, including organic extra-virgin olive oil, organic rooibos tea, organic fair-trade shea butter, and essential oils of orange and tangerine that are kind to your skin, the Earth, and animals.

For his commitment to using only vegan ingredients and never testing products on animals, PETA is thrilled to honor Blackers founder Jason Blacker with our Trail-Blazer Award.

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