I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Published by PETA Staff.

This year, I’m dreaming of a green Christmas—where animals aren’t abused, the environment isn’t polluted, and people are healthy and light. Here are five reasons why I’ll be having a vegan feast instead of eating animal flesh this Christmas:

1. ‘Tis the season for peace and goodwill. Only a Grinch would cram animals into filthy cages or sheds, mutilate them, and dismember them while they’re still conscious—which are all routine abuses in the meat industry.

2. Meat production causes climate change: We never know if we’ll have a white Christmas or an Indian summer. If you don’t want a dirty lump of coal in your stocking, choose green foods—vegan ones.

3. Who wants a heart attack for the holidays? If you’d rather spend your time on the ice rink than in the emergency room, pile your plate with healthy vegan versions of traditional favorites.

4. Vegans tend to weigh less than meat-eaters do. You don’t want to get too fat to fit down the chimney if you’re playing Santa.

5. Versatile vegan foods generally cost less than meat. We could all use more money to spend stuffing our stockings, rather than our faces.

If you’re yearning for a green Christmas, too, check out all our vegan recipes.

Are you thinking of celebrating a compassionate Christian holiday? Please visit JesusPeopleForAnimals.com.

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