10 Vegan Hangover Helpers That Will Give You Life

Published by Michael Hammers.

We’ve all been there: You say, “I’m only going to have one drink,” but before you know it, the sun is bursting through your windows, illuminating the mess you’ve become since the wee hours of the morning. Your head is pounding, your phone is dead (not that you actually want to read those text messages), and you’ve accepted that you’ll never again move from your spot under the covers.

Just kidding—nobody has EVER done that. But just in case you’re battling the hangover from hell, here are some of the world’s best vegan hangover helpers to get you back on your feet and rescuing animals:

1. Coconut Water

Coconut Water

Coconut water is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and—most importantly—potassium, which is necessary to help regulate your body’s water level.

2. Bananas

Banana Stock Image

Bananas are a great source of potassium and magnesium, which will help you ditch that splitting headache.

3. Ginger

ginger Stock image ingredient

Ginger is a great way to relieve any nausea associated with your hangover. If you don’t like the taste of fresh ginger, try a ginger tea or candied ginger.

4. Watermelon

Watermelon Stock Image

Watermelon is high in essential nutrients, and it’ll help you rehydrate as well as supplying you with fructose so you have the energy to carry on.

5. Mixed Nuts

mixed nuts

Grab a handful of your favorite nuts for some much-needed protein—make sure that they’re salted to help your body regulate water levels.

6. Coffee and an anti-inflammatory

Coffee Stock Image

Most alcohol-related headaches are caused by a chemical called “acetate” that’s released into the body when you drink. When combined, caffeine and anti-inflammatory agents (try a naturally cruelty-free teaspoon of Turmeric, extra virgin olive oil, blueberries, or ginger) help to block the acetate and make you feel alive again. Be sure to stick to non-dairy creamer though, since dairy can cause inflammation.

7. Kombucha Tea

Kombucha Tea

The healthy bacteria found in this drink make it a great option to help appease your queasy stomach.

8. Juice

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Whether it’s fresh or from the store, juice will help rehydrate you, replenish the nutrients you lost while drinking, and give you fructose to help you power through the day.

9. Miso Soup

miso soup

Miso soup is fermented with beneficial bacteria that’ll help regulate your upset stomach and rehydrate you.

10. Tofu Scramble


Scramble up some tofu with broccoli, red peppers, and onions—these veggies contain the amino acid cysteine, which helps break down alcohol.

Need more ideas for beating that pesky hangover so that you can help save more animals? Check out some of our vegan recipes for tasty and nutritious ways to refuel!

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