Detoxification is the process by which the body identifies substances that are unhealthy for it and then neutralizes and eliminates them. This battle is being waged constantly, even while we sleep. All the organs and systems of the body, including the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, skin, lungs, brain, and lymphatic and circulatory systems, work together to achieve this.
Avoiding meat and dairy products, which contain many toxins, such as bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, and dioxins, is a no-brainer, and these juice recipes will help your body eliminate any other “unwelcome visitors.”* And when we’re healthy, we can help animals more effectively!
For each of the below recipes, place all ingredients in a blender and purée until smooth.*
Kale Cucumber Juice
- 1 cup chopped kale
- 1 cup seedless green grapes
- 1 cucumber, sliced
- 1 small Granny Smith apple, chopped
- 1/2 cup water
Makes 1 serving
Blueberry Carrot Smoothie
- 1/3 cup blueberries
- 1/4 cup flax seeds
- 1 apple
- 4 carrots
- 1/2 banana
Makes 1 serving
Carrot Apple Garlic Juice
- 4 carrots
- 1 1/2 large apples
- 2 stalks celery
- 2 cloves garlic
Makes 1 serving
Cilantro Mango Smoothie
- 2/3 cup fresh spinach
- 1⁄4 cup fresh cilantro
- 2/3 cup mango
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup pineapple
- 1⁄4 cup avocado
- Pinch coriander
Makes 1 serving
Beet Ginger Juice
- 1 1/2 small beets
- 1 1/2 apples
- 4 oz. blackberries
- 1/4–inch piece fresh ginger
Makes 1 serving
*This information should not be taken as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.
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