13 Essential Recipes for Thanksgivukkah

Published by PETA Staff.

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah happen to fall on the same day this year. Since this won’t happen again for another 77,000 years, it’s your big chance to combine your favorite Thanksgiving dishes with the best of Hanukkah foods. Check out our favorite recipes, which when combined, make for the most epic Thanksgivukkah feast ever!

Vegan Baked Latkes

Vegan Latkes

Vegan Stuffing

Butternut Squash Stuffing

Lentil Walnut Apple Loaf

Vegan Lentil Loaf

Challah Bread

Challah Bread

Green Bean Casserole

Green Bean Casserole

Vegan Noodle Kugel


Creamy Chive Mashed Potatoes

Vegan Mashed Potatoes

Cranberry Sauce

Vegan Cranberry Sauce

Vegan Knish

Vegan Knish

Roasted Garlic Gravy


Vegan Rugelach

Apricot Walnut Cookies Vegan and Gluten Free

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Baked Donuts

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Donuts

Vegan Apple Pie 

Vegan Apple Pie

Now you’re all set for the greatest meal of your life!

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