Make Your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions Animal-Friendly

Published by Ashley Palmer.

Out with the old and in with the new! New Year’s resolutions are all about the chance to start over and do things differently. You have an opportunity to make this year count for animals by dedicating one of your resolutions to helping them. Pick one or all of these resolutions and you’ll be on the right track to a compassionate year:

1. Go vegan

What better time than the start of a new year to turn over a new leaf and go vegan? Going vegan is the most effective choice that you can make for animals, the environment, and your health. With so many delicious vegan meat replacements available, there’s never been a better time to make the switch! Check out our free vegetarian/vegan starter kit, packed with tips and resources to help you make the transition. Not quite ready to go vegan? Even cutting back on your meat intake one day a week is a step in the right direction!

2. Do your spring cleaning early

Get a head start on spring cleaning this year! Dedicate a weekend to cleaning out your closet of all fur, wool, leather, and exotic skins and be sure to purge your kitchen and bathroom of all products that were tested on animals. Buy products that are cruelty-free to make sure that our furry friends have a good new year too. Request PETA’s free cruelty-free shopping guide to have on hand next time you’re at the store!

3. Donate your holiday gifts

Did you receive something for the holidays that you aren’t too fond of and have no idea what to do with? Donate those gifts to your local animal shelter or your favorite animal rights organization. Animal shelters are always looking for supplies, so return those holiday gifts that you’ll never use and put that money toward toys for a dog or a cat.

4. Promise to spend more time with your animal companion

Make sure Fido has a good New Year, too, by promising to take him or her on long walks and spend extra time playing. Even if you don’t live with a companion animal, you can make a world of difference to an animal at your local animal shelter. Even just spending just an hour of your day on the weekend would mean the world to the dogs and cats at the local shelter!

5. Get active

Sign up for PETA’s Action Team! By joining, you’ll be on the forefront of PETA’s groundbreaking campaigns. You’ll be able to participate in protests and outreach events in your area and will be given the opportunity to lend your voice to the animal rights movement. From arm-chair activism to leading protests against Ringling’s cruelty, everybody’s unique talents for helping animals fit in on the Action Team!

Fur Free Friday

These are just five animal-friendly new year’s resolutions, and there are plenty more! Leave a comment below telling everyone how you are going to be a friend to animals in 2020.

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