Photo Gallery: Animals Used for Entertainment
This baby hawk was kept at AWR, in violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Despite having survived long enough to become a juvenile, the bird was later found by our investigator, torn to shreds in a cougar’s cage.
Bird cages routinely contained inches of feces, rotten food, and maggots. As if this weren’t bad enough, Azzopardi instructed our investigator to pick out the uneaten seeds that had fallen into this mess and place them back in the birds’ food receptacles!
Alex, who died in August 2003, stares into space in utter boredom. The metal resting platform on which he is lying is covered in filth and swarms of flies.
Many rabbits suffered from untreated eye ailments or were discovered dead in the big-cat enclosures. During one such incident, our investigator watched helplessly as caracals tried to pull a rabbit into their enclosure. The rabbit eventually broke free, but she had been torn open and was in shock; our investigator rushed the rabbit to a veterinarian who put the animal out of her misery.
Edith sits alone in her garbage-strewn outdoor enclosure, a tire the only form of enrichment provided for her and the other social, highly intelligent chimpanzees at AWR.
Improper feeding
Lack of public barrier
Calf and Tortoise
A baby elephant is trained to lay down.
A baby elephant is trained to sit on a tub.
Three bullhooks are used simultaneously on one elephant.
A baby elephant is being trained to perform a lie-down/sit-up.
A baby elephant is tethered neck-to-neck with an anchor elephant.
Baby elephants are trained in a barn.
A baby elephant is walked in to a barn.
Urgent Alerts
Urge Verónica Delgadillo to Ban Bullfighting in Guadalajara
Urge Verónica Delgadillo to Ban Bullfighting in Guadalajara
Please urge Mayor Verónica Delgadillo to ban bullfighting in Guadalajara.
Urge the NCAA to Ban All Live Animals at College Games
Urge the NCAA to Ban All Live Animals at College Games
Urge the NCAA to ban live-animal mascots from college games before the next season begins.
Tell Mall that Greedy Reptile Petting Zoo Endangers Wild Animals and Visitors
Tell Mall that Greedy Reptile Petting Zoo Endangers Wild Animals and Visitors
Share your disappointment with the Manassas Mall!
Tell Providence That Sponsoring the Iditarod Does Not Reflect Catholic Values
Tell Providence That Sponsoring the Iditarod Does Not Reflect Catholic Values
Urge Providence to cut ties with the Iditarod.
Urge SMU to Retire Peruna the Pony and End Live Mascot Program!
Urge SMU to Retire Peruna the Pony and End Live Mascot Program!
Please join PETA in urging SMU to permanently end the use of “Perunas” so that no more ponies will be made to suffer in the name of entertainment at SMU.
Cruel ‘Games’ to Return to Chitwan Elephant Festival in Nepal
Cruel ‘Games’ to Return to Chitwan Elephant Festival in Nepal
Urge the event organizers to cancel these cruel “games.”