
Seymour, Texas

§ 2.501 Tethering.

It shall be unlawful to stake a dog or cat outside on a leash, rope, chain, or any other similar tethering apparatus unless:

(1) A person is holding the tethering device; or the dog’s owner or handler remains outside, within 50 feet of the dog, throughout the entire period of restraint.

(2) Any dog that is maintained outside unattended will be confined within fencing appropriate for the size and/or breed of the animal and will be provided adequate shelter at all times. Food and water will be placed in bowls, containers, buckets, etc., that are constructed, made or adapted in a manner that prevents said bowls, containers, buckets, etc., from being turned over, spilled, dumped, urinated in, or otherwise disrupted. Water will be sufficiently provided to the animal during the entire period the animal is maintained outside within the required fenced-in area. Shelters shall be constructed, made, adapted, placed, etc. in a manner that enables the animal to seek shelter at all times and will be constructed of adequate materials to provide sufficient protection from the elements at all times. Any conditions concerning animal welfare within the city limits are subject to periodic evaluations by the city animal control officer or designated representative(s) at which time any corrective actions deemed necessary to maintain acceptable animal welfare standards will be addressed and enforced.

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