Freeport, Texas
Sec. 4-57. – Unlawful restraint or tethering of dogs.
Restraint means a chain, rope, tether, leash, cable, trolley, pulley, or other device that attaches a dog to a stationary object or trolley system.
(b) It is unlawful for the owner or any person in control of any dog, or the owner or person in control of any premises in the city to fasten, tie, chain or tether any dog to a stationary object, pulley system or trolley system, or to permit any dog to be so fastened, tied, chained or tethered on such premises.
(c) In any prosecution in the municipal court of the city or any other court of competent jurisdiction, it shall be an affirmative defense if the fastening, tying, chaining or tethering of a dog to a stationary object, pulley system or trolley system is temporary, the owner of such dog is present on the premises where the dog is so fastened, tied, chained or tethered and the dog is not left unattended for more than five minutes while so fastened, tied, chained or tethered. When the owner of the dog is absent, the dog cannot be left chained to a stationary object, pulley system or trolley system.