
Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Sec. 5-151. – Tethering.

A. No owner, keeper, harborer, or maintainer of a dog may tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog, or allow his dog to be tethered, fastened, chained, or tied to any permanent or temporary structure, any post attached to the ground or any permanent or temporary structure, or to any weight designed to restrict the dog’s freedom of movement to a limited area of space, except where:

1. The tethering, fastening, chaining, or tying of the dog to any structure, post, or weight, is temporary; and

2. The tethering, fastening, chaining, or tying of the dog to any structure, post, or weight is under supervision of the owner, keeper, harborer, or maintainer or a responsible person to whom the task of supervision is delegated.

B. The tethering, fastening, chaining, or tying of a dog to any structure or post shall be considered temporary only if the time the dog is tethered, fastened, chained, or tied to any structure, post, or weight is:

1. No more than one half (½) an hour at any one time; and

2. No more than a total of three (3) hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period.

C. No owner, keeper, harborer, or maintainer of a dog may tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog, or allow his dog to be tethered, fastened, chained, or tied to any structure, post, or weight under any circumstances, whether temporary and under supervision or not, in any area of property that is considered frontage, as defined by Section 2.1280 and other applicable sections of the Unified Development Ordinance, except:

1. A dog may be tethered temporarily and while under supervision in an area of property that is consider frontage when the only area of the property available to the owner, keeper, harborer, or maintainer for such purposes is frontage.

D. Any violation of this section shall be considered an act of animal abuse under Section 5-164 of this chapter.

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