
Country Club, Missouri

Section 205.105 Tethering.

A. Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful to tether a dog or similar house-pet outdoors, except under the following circumstances:

1. No animal may be tethered between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.

2. No animal may be tethered as a primary method of restraining the animal.

3. No animal may be tethered for longer than thirty (30) minutes unless the animal has been provided with adequate food, water, and shelter suitable for the species, age, and condition of the animal and weather conditions.

4. A tethered animal must be supervised by a competent person physically present on the property and responsible for the care of the animal.

5. A tethered animal must be over six (6) months of age.

6. A tethered animal must not be tethered outdoors in temperatures below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit (32° F.), temperatures above eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit (85° F.), or in other weather conditions that could likely cause harm to the animal.

7. A tethered animal must be tethered using a properly-fitted collar that measures the circumference of the animal’s neck with additional space to place at least two (2) adult fingers.

8. No animal may be tethered using a choke or prong collar.

9. A tethered animal must be tethered using a collar or other tether device designed for the animal and weighing no more than one-eighth (1/8) of the animal’s weight.

10. A tethered animal must be tethered using tethering devices that are unbroken and free of tangles and provide the animal with the ability to extend from the fixed point of the tether by at least three (3) times the length of the animal (from nose to base of tail) or at least six (6) feet, whichever is greater.

11. A tethered animal must be placed where the animal cannot be in danger of being strangled or hung, including in areas that are free of dangerous debris and obstacles.

B. Penalty. A person who violates a provision of this Section may be found guilty of animal neglect or abandonment in violation with Section 205.100 of this Chapter.

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