Athens, Alabama
Sec. 10-42. – Confinement of dogs.
(b) A dog is effectively confined under this section if the dog is not running at large, the dog is confined in an enclosure, the confinement does not violate any provision of state or local law, and the confinement does not violate any of the following:
(1) The enclosure must provide a minimum of 225 square feet (with neither the width or length being less than ten feet) for each dog weighing 30 pounds or more, and 100 square feet (with neither the width or length being less than eight feet) for each dog weighing less than 30 pounds.
(2) The enclosure shall be sufficiently constructed as to keep such enclosed dog from contact with outside dogs and people, and shall have an area sufficient to allow such dog reasonable exercise. The enclosure shall also permit reasonable protection from the weather, including shade during the summer.
(3) The dog is not kept on a tether, rope, chain, or similar line.
(4) The dog is not kept in an area of dangerous or unsanitary conditions, including but not limited to, excessive animal waste, garbage, dirty water, dangerous objects that could injure or kill the dog upon contact, or other circumstances that could cause harm to the dog’s physical health.
(5) The dog is kept in a structurally sound, moisture-proof and wind-proof shelter large enough to keep the dog reasonably clean and dry. A shelter that does not protect the dog from extreme temperatures or precipitation, or which does not provide adequate ventilation or drainage, shall not comply with this subsection.
(6) A carport shall not be used as an effective confinement for dogs.
(7) An invisible fence may be used to satisfy all or part of the enclosure requirements of this section. As used herein, an “invisible fence” is a system, in good working order, that uses a wireless receiver in the dog’s collar along with an electric stimulus, to prevent the dog from leaving the defined area of enclosure.