Ponce Inlet, Florida
Sec. 10-32. – Prohibition of tethering animals to stationary objects while outdoors; exception.
(a) No person shall tether an animal to a stationary object while outdoors or in a public park located in the Town of Ponce Inlet.
(b) An exception to the tethering prohibition is permitted if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The animal must be in visible range of the owner or responsible party, which person must also be outside with the animal at all times. There is an authorized narrow exception to this sub-condition: The animal owner, or responsible person, may leave an animal tethered outdoors on the property for a reasonable period not to exceed 30 minutes while such owner or responsible person performs a temporary task indoors or on another section of the property. In no event may the owner or responsible person leave the property while an animal is left tethered and unattended outdoors.
(2) The tether is connected with a swivel hook to the animal’s buckle-type collar or a body harness made of nylon or leather that is of sufficient size to adequately and safely restrain the animal.
(3) The tether is of a size and weight that is reasonably necessary to safely restrain the animal without placing excessive strain or weight on the animal. It should not exceed one-tenth of the animal’s weight, it should be a length that is at least the greater of either five times the length of the animal measured from the nose to the tip of its tail, or ten feet. The trolley cable must not be elevated more than seven feet above the surface.
(4) The animal is not tethered outside in periods of extreme weather, including but not limited to extreme heat (in excess of 85 degrees) or cold (lower than 50 degrees), thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes, tropical storms, or hurricanes.
(5) The animal has access to water, shelter, shade, and dry ground. The tether must be secured in such a way that it cannot become entangled with other objects and deprive the animal of water, shelter, shade, and dry ground.
(6) The animal is at least six months of age.
(7) The animal is not sick or injured.
(8) If there are multiple animals, each animal must be tethered separately.
(9) There shall be no tethering of any animal during the hours which occur from dusk until dawn.