
Orange County, Florida

Sec. 5-29. – Definitions.

Restraining Device shall mean a chain, cord, or cable, with a minimum length of ten feet, used to confine an animal on an owner’s property. This device must provide for humane, unrestrained range of movement for the animal to insure that the animal is not exposed to hazard or injury and shall not prevent the animal from having food, water, shelter, adequate ventilation, protection from the elements or other care generally considered to be normal and usual. This device shall be proportional in size, weigh no more than 1/8 of the dog or puppy’s body weight, and designed for use with the specific breed of animal with an appropriate collar. These devices shall not be used to confine a dog on an owner’s property between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, 365 days a year and during times of extreme weather, e.g., hurricanes, below freezing conditions.

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