
Richmond County, North Carolina

Sec. 4-32. Definitions and Terms

  1. Restraint shall mean that an animal is under sufficient physical control such as a leash, cage, bridle, or similar effective and humane device that restrains and controls the animal, or adequately contained by a fence on the premises or other secure enclosure. If any unattended animal is restrained by a chain, leash or similar device, it shall be designed and placed to prevent choking or strangulation. Such chain or restraint shall not be less than eight feet in length and must have a swivel on both ends. A dog that is considered vicious or a public nuisance must be on a leash at all times when off of the owner’s property.

Sec. 4-37. Tethering.

A. No person shall fasten, chain, or tie an animal for more than twelve (12) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period or cause such animal to be fastened, chained, or tied in such a manner as to cause or threaten to cause injury to that animal.

B. Any animal tethered in a fixed manner, must be tethered to a ground anchor by a coated cable wire not shorter than fifteen (15) feet. Ropes shall not be used as a tether line.

C. Any animal tethered in a running manner, must be tethered to a coated cable runner wire not shorter than fifteen (15) feet and the runner wire must be firmly secured to two fixed anchor points. The running tether must be attached to a runner wire and have a swivel connector to prevent entanglement.

D. All tethers must be attached to a properly fitting and secure nylon or leather collar. Wire or choke collars are not permitted as collars. All tethers must have swivels attached at both ends to prevent entanglement. The tether must be arranged so as to clear any obstacle that may limit the length of the tether. Adequate shade, protection from precipitation, and access to drinking water must be within reach of a tethered animal.

E. Animal Enforcement Deputies are authorized to impound or, in the alternative, request the general court of justice to issue a seizure order, for any animal for which there is probable cause to believe has not been tethered as required by this Section.

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