Watchung, New Jersey
§ 10-19.1 Tethering of Dogs Unlawful.
a. It is unlawful to chain or tether unneutered/unspayed dogs in any manner within the Borough of Watchung.
b. Neutered/spayed dogs may be tethered under the following circumstances:
1. The tether must be at least 15 feet long and have an operative swivel on both ends, weigh no more than one-eighth (1/8) of the dog’s weight and be attached to a properly fitted collar or harness.
2. The collar used for tethering may not be a choke chain collar, slip collar or prong collar.
3. The tether must allow the dog access to proper shelter, sufficient food and water.
4. The tether may not be used in any area where it may be tangled around an object, such as, but not limited to, a tree, pole, fence or stake, nor may the tether reach or cross a waterway.
5. The tether cannot inhibit the movement of the animal’s limbs or cause injury, harm, entanglement or strangulation.
6. The tether must restrain the dog within the bounds of the owner’s or custodian’s property.
7. The tether must terminate no less than five feet from any fence, pool, wall, vehicle, tree or roadway, or other object or obstruction upon which the animal might harm itself.
8. Dogs may be tethered for no more than six consecutive hours in any 24 hour period and never between sunset and sunrise.
9. If there are multiple dogs, each dog shall be tethered separately and in such a manner that the tethers shall not become entangled with each other.
10. No dog shall be tethered at a vacant structure or premises for any purpose when it is not monitored by an adult who is present at the property for the duration of such tethering.
11. No dog that is sick or injured shall be tethered.