
Rockville, Maryland

Sec. 3-26. – Cruelty to animals.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep animals under unsanitary or inhumane conditions or to fail to provide proper food, water, shelter or reasonably clean quarters, or to fail to provide proper medical attention for sick, diseased or injured animals. Minimal care shall be comprised of, but not limited to, the following:


(5) A person must not tether an animal under circumstances that endanger its health, safety, or well being, including:

a. The tethering of an animal by any means other than a harness;

b. Using a tether less than fifteen (15) feet in length.

c. Using a tether that allows the animal to reach an object, including, but not limited to, a window sill, edge of a pool, fence, porch or terrace railing that poses a substantial risk of injury or strangulation to the animal if such animal jumps over such object.

d. Using a tether that weighs more than one-eighth (⅛) of the animal’s body weight.

e. Using a tether that does not have a swivel attached on each end.

f. Tethering that unreasonably limits an animal’s movement.

g. Tethering under conditions where the animal or tether can become entangled on the tether or some other object.

h. Tethering that restricts an animal’s access to suitable and sufficient food, clean water, and appropriate shelter.

i. Tethering in unsafe or unsanitary conditions.

j. Tethering that does not allow an animal to defecate or urinate in an area separate from an area where it must eat, drink, or lie down.

k. Tethering that causes injury, stress, or demonstrable socialization problems to the animal.

l. The maintenance of an animal on a tether between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday, unless the Chief of Police grants a waiver based on extraordinary circumstances after determining that the proposed tether will be safe and humane.

m. Tethering an animal longer than two (2) hours cumulatively during any twenty-four (24) hour period.

n. Unattended tethering of an animal during a weather emergency declared by the City Manager.

o. Tethering, chaining, fastening, tying, or otherwise restraining an animal that is sick or injured, or an animal under four (4) months of age to a house, tree, fence, or other stationary or immobile object.

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