
Howard County, Maryland

Sec. 17.305B. – Tethers for dogs.

(a) This section applies to dogs that are kept outside when:

    (1) The owner is absent; or

      (2) The dog is unattended for 30 minutes or longer.

      (b) Tethers. For purposes of this section, a tether means a chain, rope, line, or similar restraint that connects a dog to a shelter, tree, fence, or any other stationary object.

      (c) Generally prohibited. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of this section, an owner may not keep a dog on a tether.

      (d) Exceptions.

        (1) An owner may keep a dog on a tether while the owner completes a temporary task.

        (2) An owner may use a tether while supervising the dog and:

          (i) The owner intends to allow the dog to eliminate; or

          (ii) The owner is exercising the dog.

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