Rock Island, Illinois
- It is mandatory to spay or neuter all dogs and cats unless the guardian pays for an “unaltered license” ($30).
- Differential licensing establishes fees of $6 for spayed/neutered animals and $30 for unaltered animals. Discounts for senior citizens are $15 for unaltered animals and $3 for spayed or neutered animals.
- Breeders must also pay a license fee of $6 for each dog over 6 months of age in addition to the $50 breeding license.
- Any dog or cat who is impounded for the second time will be spayed or neutered. The guardian will pay a $50 penalty fee in addition to the reasonable cost of this mandatory sterilization when redeeming the animal from the shelter.
Div. 2, Dogs and Cats. Sec. 7-146. Spaying And Neutering: (a) No person shall own, harbor or keep within the City any cat or dog over the age of six (6) months which has not been spayed or neutered, unless such person holds either a license for breeding cats or dogs issued by the City or possesses an unaltered dog or cat license as stated in this section or a written certificate from a licensed veterinarian that, due to health considerations, the animal should not be spayed or neutered.
Div. 3, Impoundment. Sec. 7-156. (3) Any dog or cat that is impounded a second time within a one-year period shall be altered. The owner shall pay a penalty in the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) for a second impoundment and in addition thereto the reasonable cost for the mandatory altering of the animal if the altering would not endanger the health of the animal.