Thanks to Supporters Like You, These Animals Will Have a Lovely Christmas
PETA is able to help animals only because of the dedicated activists, donors, and volunteers working with us. We’ve saved thousands of lives this year alone—some just in time for the holidays.
Here’s just a few animals who—thanks to you—will have a merry festive season:
Dozens of Donkeys Rescued From the Blistering Heat and Hard Labor
Earlier this year, Animal Rahat was making arrangements to replace dozens of donkeys with tractors at brick kilns. Many of the animals were run down and had harness sores. Thankfully, they’re now officially retired and spending their golden years in the beautiful green pastures of the cool Nilgiri Hills.
More Than 150 Greyhounds No Longer Forced to Endure Their Blood Being Stolen
Five weeks after a PETA exposé revealed that roughly 150 discarded greyhounds kept in decrepit conditions were being farmed for their blood at The Pet Blood Bank in Cherokee, Texas, the facility shut down. The dogs were transferred to adoption programs, finally free from the miserable conditions and treatment at the facility.
This Bullock Has Been Blessed in His New Home
Caro came to the Animal Rahat sanctuary in India with a nasty face wound and terrified of people. Now, the rescued bullock has a new foster herd and a safe place to live! Here’s Caro shortly after having been blessed by his caretaker:
Storm and Rain Made Landfall
Storm and Rain were two animals among those that PETA’s rescue team evacuated from the Houston area after Hurricane Harvey. Still together, the two adorable feline refugees now have a place to call home.
These Ducks Are Safe From Dangerous City Life
A visiting PETA staff member found these ducks—Sonny and Chong—wandering the busy streets of Mumbai desperate for food and water. The duo received a bath at the PETA India office, and after staying in the office temporarily, have now gone to a vegetarian farm with a big pond.
And of Course, Christmas the Puppy Is Ready to Celebrate His First Holiday With His New Family
Christmas was found by PETA Asia on a volcanic island in the Philippines. He was a shadow of a puppy, with open wounds and lice. His transformation into this happy doggo is a sight to behold.
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