Why Rabbits Need Your Help Perhaps More Than Any Other Animal

PETA’s logo is a bunny—and for good reason. Rabbits are exploited for the following: 

For Their Flesh

This rabbit anxiously awaits slaughter.


Her neck is slit, and she is hung upside down so that the blood can drain from her lifeless body.


No lives are spared.


After all the torture that these vulnerable animals endure, their bodies are turned into a product for human consumption.


For Their Fur

Rabbits are strapped down, and their fur is ripped from their sensitive skin.

An angora rabbit being plucked for his or her fur. Angora Rabbit Wool Industry Investigation 

Workers repeatedly rip the fur out of this rabbit’s back.


For Experiments

More than 127,000 rabbits are abused in U.S. laboratories every year.

Live rabbits are still used in the notorious Draize eye irritancy test in which chemicals are applied to their eyes, often causing significant pain, swelling, hemorrhaging, cloudy vision, or blindness.


And as if that weren’t enough, more invasive tests are even conducted on them.

PLRS rabbit

They’re tortured mercilessly in the name of science.

For Entertainment

Rabbits given as gifts for Easter, used as props in photo shoots, or forced to perform in magic shows are often discarded and can end up in places like this:

hoardingA hoarding facility known as Bunny Magic masqueraded as a “no-kill” sanctuary.

From having their throats slit after being hung upside down so that they can be eaten to having their fur repeatedly ripped out of their backs, rabbits often suffer horribly at the hands of humans. They are some of the most abused animals on Earth.

Spread the message that rabbits, like all other animals, are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way:

Remember: Bunnies can have a hoppy ending if you help them!

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