PETA’s ‘Make Your Chicken a Star’ Contest: Enter Now!
Does your companion chicken have a special skill? How about a habit that melts your heart? Or maybe you just have the cutest chicken around. Enter for a chance to have your hen or rooster crowned the winner of PETA’s first-ever “Make Your Chicken a Star” contest!
Folks who’ve opened their home to a rescued chicken know these animals are smart, sometimes sassy, and full of personality. They dream, like to sunbathe, communicate using over 30 different vocalizations (that we know of), and are simply admirable all around.
The chicken who rises to the top of the contest pecking order will receive a reward package fit for an internet celebrity, including a starring role in a custom PETA-produced video. We’ll choose the finalists, and the voting public will help us select the winning chicken.
Read the complete contest guidelines, and fill out the form below to enter!
The contest is now closed. Check back on November 18th to vote on the finalists!