Justin Long Confronts Canada Goose About Cruelty
Actor Justin Long broke our hearts as the voice of Charlie, a neglected “backyard dog.” Now he’s speaking up for coyotes. Watch as he walks into the Canada Goose flagship store in New York City and asks employees there about the coyotes killed for the trim on the company’s jackets. The whole thing was caught on camera, and he describes the experience, noting that employees are clearly told to avoid the subject.
Maggie Q tried unsuccessfully to have a conversation with the company’s CEO, Dani Reiss, and Canada Goose continues to ignore protests and refuses to see the writing on the wall.
Cruelty can be found in every stitch of Canada Goose coats. Trappers are lawfully allowed to leave wild coyotes used for the fur in the company’s jackets to suffer in steel traps for days before being shot or bludgeoned to death. Mothers desperate to get back to their starving pups have even been known to attempt to chew off their own legs to escape.
Coyotes aren’t the only animals who suffer for Canada Goose. Birds used for their down are inevitably sent to the slaughterhouse, where standard practice is to hang them upside down, stun them, and then slit their throats—often while they’re still conscious.
Urge the Company to Stop Selling Fur and Down Now
You can send a polite message to Reiss at [email protected]. Feel free to use our sample letter, but remember that using your own words is always more effective. Or send him and the company the message via social media.