39 Images That Prove That Animals Are Just Like Us

Teaching our young, forming lasting friendships, snuggling, and solving problems: As these images show, other animals are just like us.

1. We take funny selfies:

2. We know that a little affection goes a long way:

3. We comfort each other:

4. We’re brave:

5. We have unique abilities:

spider on web

6. We want to know what’s for dinner:

Rescued Goat At Farm Sanctuary In California

7. We don’t want it to be us:

Pigs inside a transport truck, on route to slaughter

8. We smile when we’re happy:

Kindred Spirits Sanctuary

9. We cry when we’re sad or in pain:


10. We create beautiful works of art:


11. We get by with a little help from our friends:

12. We don’t want to be caged:

13. We feel pain:

14. We put ourselves in harm’s way to save others:

15. We don’t want to get out of bed:

sleeping sea lions

16. We express our emotions:

17. We work hard:

18. We’re curious:

bird peeking out of tree

19. We love feeling the sun on our faces:

20. We don’t want to let our little ones out of our sight:

swan with cygnets

21. We get lonely:

Sick Dog in Doghouse Chained in Muddy Backyard

22. We’re ourselves with our best friends:

pair of ostriches

23. We have bad hair days:

squirrel, wild, happy, eating

24. We teach our young everything we know:

25. We won’t let a perceived disability hold us back:

Volunteer Walking With A Rescued Dog In A Wheelchair At Sneha

26. We cooperate:

flock of geese

27. We’ll fight for our lives:

free range chicken being loaded into cage for transport

28. We’ll fight for our friends’ lives:

29. We love a warm blanket on a cold day:

30. We intend to exercise … but fall asleep instead:

31. We love our families:

snail mom carrying baby on her back

32. We’re inquisitive:

curious raccoon

33. We jump for joy:

34. We get scared:

35. We snuggle our babies:

primate mother with baby

36. We enjoy a nice bath:

two brown bears playing

37. We’re beautiful:

chameleon sitting on branch

38. We persevere:

baby turtle on sand

39. We want to be treated with kindness:

Humans aren’t special. Other animals learn languages, enjoy complex social bonds, sacrifice pleasure for the good of others, use tools, imagine, and dream. These individuals are more complex than many humans care to acknowledge. We all remember information, play with friends, enjoy intimacy, gossip, and mourn when loved ones die. Some other animals have capabilities that far exceed those of humans—in navigation, endurance, communication, and detection of natural phenomena, for instance.

Most importantly, we all want the same things: to be free and live in peace. It’s time for humans to stop denying others these rights.

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