Dawn Richard: Being Vegan Is About ‘More Than Just Food’

Having been raised in New Orleans, Dawn Richard grew up on crawfish and gumbo, but after her father was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to go vegan “cold turkey”—and hasn’t looked back.
Dawn Richard
Dawn understands that it all starts with animals—how an animal’s poor health and mistreatment translated to what had been on her plate—and moving to a plant-based lifestyle changed everything. She feels better, has more energy, looks wonderful, and now calls herself an “avocado junkie.”

Watch Dawn’s exclusive chat with PETA about how her life has changed since choosing to go vegan.

Do your part for your health and for animals. It’s never too early (or late) to make the kind, smart choice to eat a plant-based diet, giving your health a boost and sparing animals unnecessary suffering. It’s never been easier to give up meat, eggs, and dairy products—there are countless compassionate options in grocery stores and restaurants across the country. PETA also has hundreds of free, delicious vegan recipes to try!

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