Daniel Suárez’s Winning Formula: Always Look Out for Animals, and Never Chain Dogs

Daniel Suárez, the trailblazing Mexican-born NASCAR driver who made headlines with his thrilling win at the three-wide-finish race in Atlanta this past February, has teamed up with PETA to advocate for better treatment of animals, urging fans and fellow North Carolinians to ensure that their dogs live indoors with the family and are never kept chained outdoors.

Daniel Suárez with dog next to car that says "Drive fast, live kind". Under car is the text "Don't leave dogs chained outside"

When Suárez was growing up in Monterrey, Mexico, his father would often bring home stray animals in need. This early exposure to their plight instilled in him a deep sense of compassion and responsibility.

Chained dogs often live in deplorable conditions, deprived of adequate food, water, and veterinary care. Their emotional and social needs are ignored, and many suffer without proper shelter, enduring the elements with only makeshift protection like an overturned trash bin or a plastic barrel. Tragically, countless dogs have frozen to death during the winter or succumbed to heatstroke in the summer.

A stark example of this cruelty surfaced in 2023, just before Christmas. PETA fieldworkers responding to a tip about neglected dogs in Nash County, North Carolina, found the remains of three emaciated canines that had been tossed into the woods and four surviving dogs who were malnourished and chained without access to food or water. The mother and son responsible for their suffering and deaths were each charged with four counts of cruelty to animals. All charges were later dismissed in exchange for a guilty plea on an unrelated felony larceny charge.

“I can’t even imagine what it would be [like] for a dog to be living outside full-time, and that’s why it’s very important to educate people and to work with different states—in my case here, North Carolina … to continue to push to have good laws.”

—Daniel Suárez

North Carolina can do a lot better. There are no laws that prohibit dogs from being kept chained outdoors in all weather extremes. The state lags behind others, like Alabama, Texas, and Virginia, in addressing continuous tethering and ensuring minimal standards of care. In 2023, the Animal Legal Defense Fund ranked North Carolina 34th in its report on U.S. animal protection laws.

Live Kind, and Don’t Leave Dogs Chained Outside!

Suárez’s message is more than a campaign—it’s a call to action for everyone to treat their animal companions with the dignity and care they deserve.

How to Help

  • Bring dogs indoors: Ensure that your animal companions live inside with the family, where they can enjoy the love and care they deserve.
  • Report neglect: If you see a dog chained outside without proper shelter or care, report the situation to local authorities or contact PETA for assistance.
  • Advocate for change: Support legislation that enforces stricter animal protection laws and prevents the chaining of dogs.
  • Spread awareness: Share this campaign with others and inform them about the importance of treating all animals with kindness and respect.
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