Call for Innovation

Calling for ideas: What innovations and technology can we develop to stop the suffering of billions of animals? Send us your ideas, and let’s explore how to make them a reality together.

PETA’s Innovation Development Team is calling on all inventors, problem-solvers, and big thinkers to submit suggestions for innovations that will help stop the suffering of billions of animals worldwide. Do you have a big idea that can help animals who are exploited for food, clothing, experimentation, or entertainment? We want to hear from you and explore how we can work together to make your idea a success.

PETA has the skills, resources, and connections to make a back-of-the-napkin idea a successful international strategy and media campaign that could help billions of animals. Our most recent project, “I, Chicken”—a high-tech virtual-reality experience that radically develops empathy in those who become a virtual chicken for three minutes, to the extent that many of them stop eating chickens altogether—is now touring more than 100 college campuses over the next year. The catalyst for developing “I, Chicken” was a combination of knowing that 26 million chickens are killed every day so that people can senselessly eat buckets of wings and understanding the psychological power and potential of the new wave of virtual-reality technology.

Prior to working with some of the world’s top virtual-reality psychologists and hardware specialists to develop the “I, Chicken” experience, PETA’s Innovation Development Team was busy developing a drone program to help wildlife-watching hobbyists monitor and report illegal and cruel hunting incidents, such as hunters not tracking an injured animal, using a firearm while intoxicated, and baiting animals illegally.

Billions of animals’ lives have been changed forever by the innovations of individuals from many different fields and perspectives:

  • Before the development of computerized crash-test dummies, automakers used live pigs and ferrets as trauma test subjects in car-crash tests.
  • An industrial design student invented a special cover with cooling gel pockets to keep stranded whales alive longer.
  • Scientists at MatTek Corporation invented a 3-D model formed from human skin cells that now prevents tens of thousands of rabbits every year from having chemicals smeared onto—and often burned into—their shaved backs.
  • Educators at Digital Frog International developed virtual-dissection software that can save the lives of millions of frogs every year.
  • With the advent of computer-generated imagery, specialists in the entertainment industry are replacing the use of live animals in film.
  • The entrepreneurial team at InVitro International created Corrositex, a toxicology test that has saved the lives of more than a million animals.

PETA wants to connect with entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists, researchers, and leaders who are ready to transform their innovative, game-changing ideas into reality.

The following are some innovations that we’re tracking with keen interest:

  • The North Face has an innovative new technology that’s making its customers—as well as geese—very happy. The leader in outdoor apparel created a new state-of-the-art insulation called Thermoball™ that is superior to down. The North Face is celebrating its new technology, saying, “Thermoball insulates, packs and feels like down, but delivers total versatility. It provides uncompromising warmth even when wet, making it the new go-to jacket for any adventure.” And we love that The North Face is marketing it as “a new alternative to down.”
  • New technology is paving the way for in vitro meat and leather.
  • Bioprinters are getting close to ending the need to use animal parts for heart-valve replacement patients.

What’s Your Idea?

E-mail us at [email protected].   

Call for Investors

Are you looking for the next big, sustainable, or health-conscious venture or investment? Do you want to work with a dedicated team with unmatched experience in creating scalable, repeatable, cost-effective innovations? PETA, the animal rights innovator for more than 30 years, can help. We’ve got the big ideas, the courage, the expertise, and the track record that your investment portfolio needs.

Most people know us for our chutzpah and media prowess, but did you know that we helped advance automobile-safety technology by helping to replace the use of live pigs in crash tests with human-relevant, high-tech crash-test dummies? More recently, PETA has had a hand in developing smarter, kinder science practices by advancing non-animal testing methods that can be more cost-effective, human-relevant, and efficient than the archaic animal-based methods that are currently employed. Oh, and there’s PETA’s “I, Chicken” experience that’s developing empathy and catalyzing compassionate action—things that cultures and religions have been trying to do for millennia—after people spend just three minutes in a nongraphic virtual reality.

PETA’s role as a visionary organization has also included incentivizing sustainable, entrepreneurial pursuits, such as posting a $1 million prize for the development of market-ready in vitro chicken meat.

We can help diversify, strengthen, and add value to your investment portfolio by developing an innovative, cost-effective, high-margin venture that helps animals, addresses climate change, and improves health. PETA’s considerable resources include the following:

  • The powerful PETA brain trust: a unique combination of out-of-the-box thinking, creative genius, and expertise
  • Efficient, effective, and frugal project managers
  • Specialists, including a cadre of scientists with advanced degrees in such fields as epidemiology, public health, and environmental science as well as Ph.D.s in molecular and cellular biology, microbiology, and genetics
  • Media and outreach resources to help catalyze and propagate market support for the new venture

Contact us to build your portfolio and legacy of game-changing innovation for animals.

Start by e-mailing us at [email protected].

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