Why You Should Leave ‘Pearl Diving’ off Your Summer Bucket List

Be a compassionate tourist and leave sea life alone. Here’s why you should NEVER participate in pearl-diving attractions.

Dear TikTokers: Stop Catching Gulls for Content

Beachgoers participating in these cruel TikTok videos should be warned: Not only are these videos callous, they might also be illegal.

PETA U.K. Requests Memorial at Scene of Gruesome Wreck in Barcelona

PETA wants motorists to know how going vegan could help prevent something like this from occurring again.

Meet Your Meat-Free Guide to Life After a Lone Star Tick Bite

Since lone star ticks are on the rise, so is the need for dairy- and meat-free recipes. Luckily, PETA makes going vegan as easy as taking a walk in the woods!

European Commission Backs Phaseout of Animal Use in Experiments and Chemical Tests but Ignores Citizens on Cosmetics

While PETA welcomes steps taken by the European Commission, they fall woefully short on saving animals’ lives.

PETA Uncovers Federal Records Showing Clenbuterol Found in U.S. Pork

What is clenbuterol, and why was it just found in meat from some of the world’s largest pork producers?

PETA Helps Barbie and Ken Get Busy for Animals

During their adventure on the big screen, help Barbie and Ken find new, animal-friendly callings. Get PETA’s exclusive unofficial accessories for your dolls today!

Georgetown University Mascot Jack the Bulldog Dies at Just 4 Years Old—Speak Up for Him and Other Breathing-Impaired Dogs!

By apparently supporting bulldog breeders, Georgetown University has blood on its hands. It’s high time the university made some serious changes to its cruel mascot program.

Red Flags (and False Alarms) You May See at Roadside Zoos

What should you do if you see a primate housed alone? How do you know if an animal’s hair loss is natural or from a lack of care? PETA’s got you covered with this short guide to identifying red flags you may see at roadside zoos.

PETA Calls For Cruelty-to-Animals Charges After Cats Were Killed in 2022 Yosemite Wildfire

Nearly a year after a devastating wildfire burned near Yosemite, police have arrested a man who allegedly started it. PETA said THIS in a letter to prosecutors.

Have Experience With Lions, Tigers, and Bears (Oh My!)? Then We Have a Job for You!

We’ve rescued big cats from Tiger King hellholes, stopped circuses from exporting endangered animals for their shows, and more. Will you be a part of our next big victory?

Starving Mice and Withholding Pain Meds From Monkeys: How Low Can Wake Forest Laboratories Go?

Staff at Wake Forest University laboratories have starved animals to death and performed unapproved procedures, but somehow the labs are still able to stay open. Why?

Campaign Updates: U.S. Army Resumes Weapons-Wounding Tests on Animals

Discover the chilling secrets behind the front lines as thousands of people read PETA’s scorching op-ed by retired Army Sgt. Carla Gunn.

25 Bears Who Suffered Because of Yellowstone Bear World

Yellowstone Bear World is turning 25 this year, but exploiting bear cubs is nothing to celebrate. Meet 25 bears who suffered because of this hellhole.

Here’s How This Terrified Blind Dog Escaped and Found a New Life

Thanks to a PETA Asia investigator, this once-terrified blind dog is now safe and finally learning to play. Watch her transformation!

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