Carriage Horses Saved From Slaughter

Need another reason not to take one of those “romantic” horse-drawn carriage rides? How about two? The first is Chance, a former carriage horse who was rescued by a horse sanctuary after she was sent to a slaughter auction. Chance’s hooves were severely damaged, likely as a result of the long hours that she spent … Read more »

Love, ‘Like,’ Win: Enter PETA’s ‘Fly FREE to NYC’ Facebook Contest

  There’s a lot to love about New York City, and PETA has teamed up with generous sponsors, including quintessential vegan tastemakers MooShoes and Candle 79, to send two lucky animal defenders to the Big Apple, just in time for Fur-Free Friday. If you’re a U.S. resident who’s 18 years or older and able to … Read more »

Animals in Deep Trouble: Rescues and Relief

We’ve shown you before how PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department (CID) caseworkers move mountains for animals in dire circumstances. Here is just a glimpse of their recent work:  We orchestrated the rescue of four pit bulls who had been left to starve on their chains on an abandoned property in Texas. Local authorities wouldn’t help these … Read more »

10% Wool Caption Winner

And here’s our favorite caption for this weeks’ “10% Wool” comic contest! We’re in process of contacting the winner, so be sure to check your inbox! OMG ur home!!!! 🙂 R there treats w/ u? LOL Click here for larger version   Don’t forget to check out past 10% Wool comic strips and get more information on … Read more »

Way to Go, United Way!

Over the years, we’ve appealed to the United Way to do away with cruel fundraisers such as kiss-a-pig contests, puppy raffles, and greased-pig chases, so we are pleased to see that the charity is getting the message. Check out this cool footrace in which all the participants have two legs instead of four. No animals … Read more »

PETA Germany Protests Stone-Age Trauma Training

Update: Government officials in Oberpfalz have denied on ethical grounds the U.S. Army’s second application for a permit to conduct trauma training exercises. Previously, an Army contractor withdrew its application for trauma training after facing intense public opposition, and last month an application from Deployment Medicine International, another Army trauma training contractor, was denied by … Read more »

‘Community’ Star Does Right by Dogs

‘Community’ Star Does Right by Dogs

How to Defuse a Cat Explosion

rsgranne/CC by 2.0   A population explosion, that is. Belgium is planning to tackle its feline overpopulation problem head-on by requiring most of the country’s cats to be spayed or neutered by 2016. If funded, it will be one of the most advanced sterilization laws in the world! While most other countries have yet to … Read more »

Thirty Productive Years—One Fabulous Night!

PETA’s 30th anniversary celebration was everything that we had hoped for and so much more. Jampacked with celebrity supporters and caring people from all over, the party went into the wee hours as emcee Alec Baldwin dined on scrumptious vegan food and dished with honorees Anjelica Huston, Eva Mendes, Twilight‘s Kellan Lutz and Christian Serratos, … Read more »

KFC’s Cut-Throat Killing Machine

The following new undercover footage from a KFC supplier’s slaughterhouse will stun you. And that’s more than we can say for the chickens who are conscious when they face the killing blade, one by one… As you can see, KFC doesn’t give a cluck whether chickens are stunned (rendered unconscious) before they’re killed. Birds are … Read more »

Katherine Heigl Puts Her Money Where Her Heart Is

At a press conference yesterday, Life as We Know It star and PETA T-shirt fan Katherine Heigl announced that she would be donating $1 million to fund low-cost and no-cost spay-and-neuter programs in Los Angeles and surrounding communities. The donation is part of the new “Compassion Revolution” campaign, which aims to combat companion-animal overpopulation by … Read more »

Big Buzz for PETA’s Big Bash

Everyone—and I mean everyone—in the media is all a-twitter (even on Twitter) about PETA’s 30th Anniversary Gala and Humanitarian Awards, which will be hip, hot, and happening in Hollywood this Saturday. From California to Connecticut, Chicago to Chambersburg, Albany to Oklahoma City, and even Winnipeg to Singapore, the word is out—the PETA gala is the … Read more »

Zoo’s Lone Elephant Shipped Out

For the first time in more than 100 years, Chicago-area zoos are without elephants. Recognizing the elephant’s need for companionship, officials at Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo have returned the facility’s only elephant, Joyce, who was on loan from Six Flags. b.jelonek/CC by 2.0 The “Windy (and freezing) City” is no place for elephants. PETA has urged … Read more »

Ringling Protesters Out in Force

Protesters came out in droves in Salt Lake City to let people know that at least four elephants traveling with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus are suffering from foot ailments and arthritis—the leading reasons for euthanasia in captive elephants.   We’ve asked Salt Lake City’s mayor to stop Ringling from forcing these elephants to … Read more »

Tax Dollars Thrown Away on Pointless Animal Experiments

The following is a cross post originally on PETA Prime. Borman818/CC by 2.0 A report issued last month by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., blasts 100 “questionable,” “mismanaged,” and “poorly planned” stimulus-funded projects, including an especially pointless and cruel experiment that the report aptly calls “Monkeys Getting High for Science.” The study … Read more »

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