Protesters Speak Out for Goats at “Goatchella” Fest

Thanks to the courage of PETA activists, the chef shut down his cooking demonstration.

Help Us Buy a New PETA Mobile Clinic Before Our April 30 Deadline!

With your donation, PETA’s veterinary staff can reach thousands of animals who need help.©Smitt
Why SeaWorld’s Tanks Will Never Be Big Enough

Whereas some wild orca pods dive up to 525 feet, orcas at SeaWorld are limited to about 34 feet. The graphics are truly disturbing.

Courtesy Candace Calloway Whiting
After Woman Shoots at McDonald’s Over Bacon, PETA Has a Plan to Help

Having the bacon left off her burger was enough to prompt a Michigan woman to fire a handgun at a McDonald’s drive-through. PETA has a plan to help curb her bacon rage.

© Susan Riley Photography
400 Fish Poisoned at Aquarium, PETA Calls for Robotic Replacements

Even the largest tank cannot mimic a river or ocean and so cannot offer the kind of vast, open environment that fish need.©stevenallan
Animal Deaths and Disrepair Uncovered at New SeaWorld CEO’s Past Parks

SeaWorld’s attempt at a fresh start with new CEO Joel Manby doesn’t seem so fresh after all.

One Experimenter’s Story: I Hurt Animals

What does it feel like to work in a laboratory?

Paul Gazda "We Are Sorry"
Animal Experiments Are Morally ‘Unthinkable’

“The deliberate and routine abuse of innocent, sentient animals involving harm, pain, suffering, stressful confinement, manipulation, trade, and death should be unthinkable.”

Practice Radical Compassion: Be Kind to Cockroaches

For several days earlier this month, I lived with an alarmingly large cockroach inside my utility room.

Gorilla at Zoo Breaks Glass, Charges Towards Family

The incident could have quickly turned deadly for animals and humans.

Tell NIH to Stop Tormenting Baby Monkeys in Cruel Experiments

Please speak up for infant monkeys and demand that NIH stop rehashing cruel and irrelevant experiments that were not acceptable 60 years ago and are not acceptable today.

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton Honored With PETA’s Justice in Action Award

We’ve come to know Congresswoman Norton as a strong voice for justice for animals.

George Carden International Circus to Phase Out Elephant Acts

The George Carden International Circus joins Ringling in phasing out elephants and sets goal of 2019 to eliminate all elephant acts.

Help End Canada’s Baby-Seal Slaughter

The end of this industry is in sight, but seals still need you! Now is the time to call on Canadian officials to end the seal slaughter.

© Sea Shephard Conservation Society
IKEA Unpacks PETA Award for New Vegan Meatballs

Furniture giant nets praise for new cruelty-free option at its in-store restaurants.

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