Victory for Ducks! Two Restaurants Stop Serving Foie Gras
Victory for Ducks! Two Restaurants Stop Serving Foie Gras

Compassion is always a better look than torture. Learn how these restaurants heard about the worst cruelty on their menus and made the kind decision to change.

USDA: Revoke the License of Vile Anderson & Girls Orchards NOW!
USDA: Revoke the License of Vile Anderson & Girls Orchards NOW!

Anderson & Girls Orchards has had more than enough chances to clean up its act. Now we’re calling on the USDA to step in and revoke its exhibitor license.

Ryder’s Driver Is Charged With Overdriving and Torturing Horses
Ryder’s Driver Is Charged With Overdriving and Torturing Horses

A carriage driver faces criminal charges for allegedly torturing Ryder, the horse who collapsed in Manhattan rush-hour traffic.

‘Reject Speciesism’ License Plate Now Available From New York DMV
‘Reject Speciesism’ License Plate Now Available From New York DMV

The new plate design reads, “Respect All Animals” and “Reject Speciesism.” Get yours today!

PETA Asia Helps Animals After Typhoon Noru Devastates the Philippines
PETA Asia Helps Animals After Typhoon Noru Devastates the Philippines

As PETA Asia wades into the aftermath of Typhoon Noru, the U.S. braces for Hurricane Ian. Please donate to our Global Compassion Fund to help PETA and other PETA entities continue to help animals.

Pinky Cole and Her Children Are Thriving in the ‘Garden of Vegan’
Pinky Cole and Her Children Are Thriving in the ‘Garden of Vegan’

Entrepreneur Pinky Cole—founder of the growing Slutty Vegan restaurant empire—joins PETA for her first official vegan photoshoot with both of her beautiful children.

Photo: © Tropico
‘More Like a Bucket OF My Family’: New PETA Ad Features Focus Group Run by Chickens
‘More Like a Bucket OF My Family’: New PETA Ad Features Focus Group Run by Chickens

An ironic new PETA ad puts humans face to face with the chickens they fantasize about eating and reminds us what—or rather, who—“chicken” really is.

Video Taken at Lagoon in Mexico Serves as a Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone
Video Taken at Lagoon in Mexico Serves as a Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone

A horrifying video taken at a lagoon in Mexico is a grisly reminder of what can happen when humans disturb wild animals in their homes.

Bear Cub Reported Tortured and Killed; PETA Latino Demands Justice
Bear Cub Reported Tortured and Killed; PETA Latino Demands Justice

The shocking report of the torture and killing of a 4-month-old cub in Castaños is a graphic reminder to respect wildlife, report their abuse, and leave them alone.

‘The Great Whale Rescue’ Highlights the Powerful Journey of Beluga Whales From a Marine Park to the First-of-Its-Kind Beluga Sanctuary
‘The Great Whale Rescue’ Highlights the Powerful Journey of Beluga Whales From a Marine Park to the First-of-Its-Kind Beluga Sanctuary

“The Great Whale Rescue” shares the powerful story of two beluga whales rescued from a marine park prison and moved to a real beluga sanctuary.

SEA LIFE Trust and Press Association
Cat-Friendly Cities, States, and Countries Where Declawing Is Illegal
Cat-Friendly Cities, States, and Countries Where Declawing Is Illegal

Declawing cats is banned in a number of cities and countries. Declawing surgeries are cruel and unnecessary, and the list of places where they’re illegal keeps growing.

Animal Emergencies: Tips From PETA’s Rescue Team to Help YOU Rescue Wildlife
Animal Emergencies: Tips From PETA’s Rescue Team to Help YOU Rescue Wildlife

Are you prepared to rescue wildlife? PETA’s Rescue Team has the field-tested tips you need to be a superhero to your outdoor animal neighbors in crisis.

Shark Stabbed in Viral Video: Just the Tip of Florida’s Shark-Murder Iceberg
Shark Stabbed in Viral Video: Just the Tip of Florida’s Shark-Murder Iceberg

A horrific video of two men murdering a blacktip reef shark and a recent shark-killing contest are just the tip of the iceberg for Florida’s legalized shark torture.

Pitt Labs Go Rogue, Inject Mice’s Brains With Viruses in Unapproved Experiments
Pitt Labs Go Rogue, Inject Mice’s Brains With Viruses in Unapproved Experiments

Among rogue injections into mice’s brains, hundreds of surgeries without pain relief, and deadly equipment failures, Pitt often couldn’t even be bothered to feed its animal prisoners.

PETA Celebrates the End of USDA’s ‘Teachable Moments’
PETA Celebrates the End of USDA’s ‘Teachable Moments’

The USDA’s “teachable moments” proposed that there was a learning curve to treating animals humanely. PETA breaks down why this system was such a failure.

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