PETA International Science Consortium Presents Work on Non-Animal Tests

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. presented on its work to replace the use of rabbits, birds, mice, and rats in painful and deadly pesticide tests at a North American Free Trade Agreement meeting that included high-level government officials from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

PETA International Science Consortium Donates Non-Animal Test Equipment

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. donated $50,000 worth of equipment to the Institute for In Vitro Sciences—a laboratory conducting animal-free test methods—and partnered with Imperial Brands PLC, Altria Client Services, British American Tobacco PLC, and Philip Morris International Inc. to donate an additional machine worth $110,000. This equipment uses human cells instead of animals … Read more »

Brazil Drops Dog-Poisoning Test After Hearing From PETA

Brazil is the latest country to drop a pesticide test in which dogs are repeatedly poisoned over the course of a year and then killed. PETA scientists have already helped persuade the U.S., Canada, the European Union, Japan, and South Korea to stop requiring this unethical and unscientific test.

PETA International Science Consortium Co-Organizes Webinar Series on Latest Non-Animal Tests

The PETA International Science Consortium has teamed up with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to organize a series of webinars on new approaches for testing chemicals without using animals. The first webinars have reached hundreds of scientists and government regulators, and more webinars are planned in this ongoing … Read more »

PETA International Science Consortium Research to Prevent Hundreds of Birds From Being Poisoned

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. collaborated to publish a paper showing that the agency can confidently assess the risk of pesticides to humans and the environment without poisoning birds in a cruel test. This test involved feeding birds pesticide-laced food for days and then monitoring them for … Read more »

PETA International Science Consortium Sends Early-Career Researcher to Summer School Program on Non-Animal Tests

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. named Patrícia Zoio, a Ph.D. student from the NOVA University of Lisbon, the winner of its Early-Career Scientist Award to attend the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre Summer School program on non-animal tests. Zoio, who’s developing a skin-on-a-chip model that could replace the use of animals in long-term skin … Read more »

PETA International Science Consortium Presents at World’s Biggest Toxicology Conference

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. reached thousands of scientists with information on advanced, non-animal chemical testing methods at the Society of Toxicology annual meeting—the largest toxicology conference in the world. The Consortium was also recognized for a paper it co-authored on testing the effects of inhaled substances on human lungs without using animals.

PETA International Science Consortium Presents Webinar on Non-Animal Tests, Drawing a Large Crowd

Several hundred scientists and government regulators tuned in to a webinar presented by the PETA International Science Consortium and an agrochemical company on testing the effects of chemicals on human lungs without using animals. The webinar drew more viewers than any previous one in the series.

PETA’s Role in Modernizing Chemical Testing Highlighted in Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News solicited and published a historical review of PETA’s role in revolutionizing chemical testing over the past two decades. In this informative article, PETA’s head of regulatory testing looks back at our initial efforts to bring changes to a field that kills many millions of animals but which no other group was willing to … Read more »

Researchers Win PETA International Science Consortium Award for 3-Dimensional Models of Human Respiratory Tract

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. teamed up with biotech company Epithelix to award innovative researchers free 3-dimensional models of the human respiratory tract. These models, which are made from human cells, can be used to test cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and household products without using animals. After receiving applications from around the world, … Read more »

PETA International Science Consortium Encourages Innovative Young Scientists

The PETA International Science Consortium presented its Early-Career Scientist Award at an international conference to a toxicologist developing a 3-dimensional model of the human liver to replace the use of rats in liver-toxicity testing. And a researcher from Argentina won this year’s award to attend a prestigious toxicology workshop where she’ll receive training to help … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium Sponsors Workshop to Eliminate Animal Tests for Rabies Vaccines

The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. sponsored—and presented information at—a workshop to push government regulators and vaccine companies to end the killing of an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 mice each year in rabies vaccine tests. One company has already succeeded in using a non-animal approach in Europe and—as a result of the workshop—it and others … Read more »

PETA Scientists Present Their Work at Key Scientific Meetings

At a series of important scientific meetings, PETA scientists presented their work to prevent hundreds of birds each year from being fed pesticide-laced food in government-required tests, the results of a project to replace the use of animals in eye-irritation tests, and details of a project to end the use of rats for inhalation testing, … Read more »

PETA Scientists Co-Organize Workshop on Non-Animal Tests for Fever-Causing Contaminants

Thousands of rabbits and even more horseshoe crabs are used in painful tests each year to test drugs and medical devices for contaminants that cause fever. The PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. worked with government and testing-standards agencies to organize a workshop at which government and industry researchers brainstormed the best way to replace these … Read more »

South Korea Stops Requiring Yearlong Pesticide Test on Dogs

After hearing from PETA scientists, South Korea spared hundreds of dogs by joining Japan, the U.S., the EU, and Canada in dropping its requirement that dogs be subjected to a yearlong pesticide poisoning test.

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