Animal Companions
Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

Animal Companions
Beat Those Recession Blues With PETA’s TeachKind Program

parentdish / CC Most of us are feeling the strain of the recession, but schools seem to be among the hardest hit. Teachers are left struggling to put together lesson plans and scrape up materials on a tight budget. Enter TeachKind, a humane-education resource for teachers, administrators, and librarians who want to help students become … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meet the Sandy LEGO Beachbots

The following is a guest post from peta2’s Marta.   Can a group of 11- to 14-year-olds from San Diego get people to eat less meat? The Sandy LEGO Beachbots can! The Beachbots build LEGO robots for competitions (where they sometimes give out vegan pizza), and they’ve also launched an initiative called Kids Keep the … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘The Biggest Loser’ Trainer Bob Harper Goes Vegetarian

dietsinreview / CC   Seriously, all the cool kids are going vegetarian these days—and with great results. Just as our friend Mike White did, trainer Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser went vegetarian for his health—and his cholesterol count dropped 100 points. You heard that right: 100 points! Over at Ecorazzi, they’re sayin’ Bob went … Read more »

Animal Companions
Adam and Eve Protest McDonald’s Sinful Ways

Photo © Bryan and Carla Wilson Adam and Eve speak out for chickens in their first-ever protest in behalf of animals.   You didn’t think we meant the couple from the Garden of Eden, did you? Naw. Another young pair, who just happen to be named Adam and Eve, joined other caring individuals in Orlando … Read more »

Animal Companions
Does High School Dissection Breed Cat Killers?

huffingtonpost / CC The mutilation and slaughter of 19 cats in the South Miami-Dade area of Florida has made national news recently. Now that 18-year-old Tyler Weinman has been arrested and charged in connection with the killings, an article published today points out that the accused cat killer participated in classroom dissections last year. Fearing … Read more »

Animal Companions
Shelter Thanks Lucky Stars for 13-Year-Olds

Amanda Huhman and Libby Burks are a dog-loving duo who rallied their community and helped the Central Missouri Humane Society win first place in Zootoo’s national shelter-makeover contest. The girls collared folks in parking lots to ask them to go online to support the shelter, papered the city with posters and fliers, did radio appearances, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Is it Foie Gras or Food for Fido?

  dogs.thefuntimesguide / CC Apparently, puppy-food pâté is posh. Ready to get your laugh on? In a recent study that’s sure to make all of those hoity-toity types who still feed on foie gras choke on their canapés, researchers found that most people can’t tell the difference between dog food and “delicacies.” In a blind … Read more »

Animal Companions
When You Want Cheap, Fast, and Easy …

Turn to PETA’s Vegan College Cookbook and take your pick of 275 delicious vegan recipes. No space, equipment, time, or kitchen skills? This cookbook squelches any and all excuses for sticking with that boring ramen routine! Today marks the official release of PETA’s Vegan College Cookbook, but over the weekend, peta2’s own Starza Kolman and … Read more »

Animal Companions
The EU Takes a Stand for Seals

  animals.nationalgeographic / CC Seals around the world are throwing up their flippers in celebration—the European Parliament voted today to end the sale of seal products across the European Union (EU)! This vote adds to the pressure on Canada to end the seal slaughter. It shows that the EU Parliament recognizes the inhumanity of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs Rocker Blogs About Vegetarianism / CC Drummer Brian Chase, of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, recently took to the band’s blog to discuss a rather, ahem, meaty issue—his vegetarianism. “Since becoming a vegetarian I’ve felt a new openness and lightness,” he writes. He goes on to explain his objection to killing animals for food, saying, “Once a life is … Read more »

Animal Companions
Montel Williams’ Daughter Asks Sasha and Malia for Help

  healthyschoollunches / CC TV talk-show host Montel Williams’ daughter Wyntergrace is a real peta2-type girl, and she rocks. She’s only 14 years old, but she’s heading to Washington, D.C., this week to ask Congress to change the Child Nutrition Act to require public schools to provide healthy vegetarian options to students. Wyntergrace has also … Read more »

Animal Companions
Moose Tormented to Death by Students

  imagesofcolorado / CC On Monday, a group of eighth graders at Colony Middle School in Palmer, Alaska, tormented a young moose on school grounds until the moose became so frightened that he repeatedly hurled himself into a fence until he died. School officials won’t disclose what the students did to provoke the moose’s suicide, … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Offers to Help Massachusetts Students Shed Pounds

  smeis.files / CC The ritual of report card day has struck fear into the hearts of children for generations. As though bringing your grades home for mom and dad to sign weren’t enough to dread, Massachusetts students have yet another report to start worrying about. The state’s Public Health Council recently decided to institute … Read more »

Animal Companions
Pupils to Be Peppered With Free PETA Paper?

When public school systems fall on hard times, they know they can count on PETA to pitch in. Remember when we sent message toilet paper to a struggling Detroit school? So, of course, we jumped into action when we heard about a cash-strapped school in Idaho that’s limiting how much writing paper teachers can use. … Read more »

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