See the Winners! PETA Honors Kind Teachers

It was a tough decision, but PETA has chosen the winners of our TeachKind Teacher Appreciation Contest! These two educators best exemplify the TeachKind goals of creatively inspiring students to help animals and encouraging students to use that inspiration to positively impact their schools and communities. Here are the winners:                                            Grade K-5 Winner: Molly Lile … Read more »

Student Wins Award for Humane Science

At the Los Angeles County Science Fair, PETA presented its first Special Award for Humane Science—along with a $500 cash prize—to Palos Verdes Peninsula High School senior Shu Hee “Sophie” Kim for her mathematical model that accurately predicts the growth of breast cancer cells in patients after they receive radiotherapy treatments. Sophie’s project has also … Read more »

PETA to Philly: Hug a Thug

PETA is helping to halt youth mobs in Philadelphia—with knowledge. Worried that the teen violence in the City of Brotherly Love could escalate to the level of England’s riots, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter responded to the reports of teens robbing and assaulting people by instituting an early curfew for anyone under 18. But PETA has … Read more »

Dead Cat the Loser in Cruel School Prank

PETA has long warned that having students dissect animals in the classroom has the unintended consequence of teaching kids disrespect for living beings, and a recent prank involving a dead cat appears to bolster our case. A senior at John Jay High School in San Antonio stole a dead cat from the school’s dissection laboratory … Read more »

Warmhearted Kids Help Cold Dogs

Here’s a story that could melt even a snowman’s heart. Fourth-grade students in teacher Chris Maxwell’s class at Mills Park Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, have raised more than $300 to help dogs who are trapped at the end of a chain with no shelter from freezing temperatures, snow, and sleet. The kids are … Read more »

Why I Got Involved With TeachKind

The following is a guest post by animal welfare reporter and activist Deborah Kay Steinken. California’s educational code states, “Each teacher shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of the pupils … kindness toward domestic pets and the humane treatment of living creatures.” Eleven states with similar laws are Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New … Read more »

Victory! Kids Help Save Foxes

You think “coon on a log” is bad? Allow me to introduce you to the delightful sport of “fox penning,” in which dogs are set loose on a fox or coyote confined to a pen and allowed to tear the animal to shreds. The good news is that this despicable pastime is now banned in … Read more »

iPad Makes Frogs ‘Appy’

We’ve never understood why any child needs to poke around inside an amphibian, but holy “Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County“: iTunes now offers a virtual frog dissection iPad app! In honor of this sophisticated and humane alternative to dissection, PETA is presenting its creator, Emantras Interactive Technologies, with a Mark Twain Ethical Science Award.   … Read more »

School Officials Enlightened About Pet Shop Cruelty

Eden II, a Staten Island school for autistic children, recently lost some electronics and rubber duckies to burglars, but it’s the theft of Star, the school’s hamster, that has students crying and losing sleep. In an effort to nix any notion about getting a “replacement” for Star, our TeachKind reps have reached out to Eden … Read more »

Helping Mexico Crack Down on Childhood Obesity

foodpoisonjournal / CC Thanks to all the bad habits immigrating from north of the border, the childhood obesity epidemic in Mexico is growing quickly, and school lunches loaded with fattening meat and dairy products are largely to blame. Luckily, we know just how to help Mexican schools tackle this hefty issue: Meat-Free Mondays. We sent … Read more »

McD’s, You’re About to Get Served

Sometimes all you need is a sign—and with our new McCruelty Sign Generator, you can create one for McDonald’s McCruelty. Design your own slogan and expose the painful slaughter behind the “billions and billions” of chickens served. Check out a few signs that the bloggers have already generated:   Karin’s flaming mad at McD’s.   … Read more »

Elementary School Launches ‘Change for Chained Dogs’

Every year, PETA’s offices are flooded with calls about dogs who are relegated to the backyard by guardians who refuse to let them inside. These dogs are left outside in freezing temperatures, often with nothing more than a plastic barrel or a wooden lean-to as shelter from the ice, sleet, and snow. For the last … Read more »

Victory! Teacher Commits to Keeping Animals Out of the Classroom

Classrooms are for students, not animals. This is the conclusion that Margaret Barthel, the head of the science department at Tampa, Florida’s Freedom High School, has finally come to after an appearance in court this week resulted in Barthel’s being punished for cruelty to the animals she kept in her classroom.   PETA was outside … Read more »

Florida School Serves All-Vegetarian Meals

When I was in high school, I took a peanut butter sandwich with me for lunch every day. Every. Single. Day. For four long years. My mother probably thought I was being stubborn just to annoy her, but the truth is that even before I stopped eating animals, I couldn’t stomach the cafeteria’s nauseating (and … Read more »

Maybe the Mice Slipped Them a Mickey … ?

In a news item that dates back to late August but was just reported on in Sunday’s Boston Herald, a half dozen staff and students at Harvard Medical School became ill after they drank coffee from a vending machine that had been laced with sodium azide, a preservative that is commonly used in laboratories. The … Read more »

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